Huwebes, Nobyembre 10, 2011

Being an LGBT a Curse or a Thanks?   
What’s up with LGBT? We’re all curious about this weren’t we? LGBT stands for “Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender”. It’s an association of peoples with “a third gender” called homosexual as the whole wide world knew about..

Let’s recall about our lessons in particular subject, Science. In Biology this homosexual is a lot more familiar to us. It exists in our school and everywhere. Based on some fact stories, being a homosexual is a curse, a sin. But some are thankful, pride for themselves being who they are. Let’s render a story from MMK. The story of Jonel (Ice Cream), the three gays named their selves Nicole, Samantha and Jamaica (Headband) and Edison (Make-Up). Their story is a story of success, acceptance, being loved. Their story means a lot to me. They stand strong in behalf of critism and forehead- down scene.  

Back to the fact. Lesbian it seems to be a particular word but also particular scene for some of us. Lesbian is a term most widely used in the English language to describe sexual and romantic desire between femalesHere in the Philippines, there’s a lot of Lesbian. From school to home, lesbian is consider the affection of two girls, it is well-know coz’ it almost exist. As we notice on girls which are best friends they almost holding their hands.

Gays. We’re very familiar on it. Based on some studies, gays are mens with an additional gender of a woman. In fact it almost exists everywhere. Like what I’ve said in my previous talkings, the said story of MMK, the struggle of gays for their acceptance is the most tremendous scene of their whole life. In short, being a gay is hard, complicated thing for them that’s why they are striving for their rights and as of now the association of this said groups is being notice for their strike for the acceptance.

Bisexualand Transgender, two related things which refer to behavior and aspects of each individual related on homosexual thing. Bisexual and Transgender is not close related with each other but a same thing as well.

Bisexual is a sexual behavior wherein the romantic phase is oriented with the same sex. While the Transgender is the intensity of their second-gender identity.

Being a part of LGBT is a sense of what way a particular people engage into this will pretend their self what he/she is. But being part of it is not so easy to be a part of the world where you are standing on. I’m totally impress on how the homosexual people can stand behind the gazed of howling discrimination on their part. Hail all LGBT!

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